Ad ROI: Effective Techniques to Cut Invalid Traffic

Ad ROI: Effective Techniques to Cut Invalid Traffic



min read

April 24, 2024

Optimizing every euro spent on advertising has become crucial for every e-commerce business, especially on platforms like Facebook Ads.

A commonly overlooked but essential element to understand for any effective campaign is invalid traffic.

This type of traffic, comprised of bots and accidental clicks, can seriously erode your advertising budget and skew your analytical data.

Knowing how to identify and minimize invalid traffic (IVT) is therefore an indispensable skill for e-commerce operators wishing to maximize the return on investment of their advertising campaigns.

This article explores the nature of IVT, its significant impact on your Facebook Ads campaigns, and strategies for effectively countering it.

By understanding these issues, you will be better equipped to refine your advertising strategies and achieve substantial savings while reaching your marketing objectives with greater precision.

1. Understanding Invalid Traffic and Its Impact on Your Facebook Ads Campaigns

Definition of Invalid Traffic (IVT)
Invalid traffic (IVT) is a term that might send shivers down the spine of any e-commerce business using platforms like Facebook Ads.

IVT encompasses all those interactions on your ads that do not come from genuine users interested in your products or services.

This phenomenon mainly manifests in two forms: bots and accidental clicks. Bots are automated programs designed to mimic human behavior, often used to inflate traffic statistics.

Accidental clicks, on the other hand, may occur when users inadvertently touch an ad on their touchscreen. Both can seriously undermine the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Statistics on IVT

The figures regarding IVT are alarming. Recent industry studies indicate that approximately 17.5% of traffic on digital advertising platforms like Facebook is invalid.

This rate means that nearly a fifth of the funds allocated to digital advertising could be wasted, affecting not only small businesses but also large brands that spend millions on digital advertising.

Financial Consequences of IVT

The financial impact of IVT is considerable. Imagine that for every 100 euros spent on advertising on Facebook, 17.50 euros are potentially lost due to IVT.

This wastage is not limited to the direct loss of budget; it also contaminates the analytical data you receive.

If you think your ads are performing well because you see a large number of clicks, but in reality, a significant portion of those clicks is invalid, your marketing decisions could be based on incorrect information.

This situation can lead to poorly directed strategies and unnecessary additional expenses, preventing your business from reaching its true potential in the digital market.

Understanding IVT and its impacts in depth is therefore crucial for optimizing your advertising investments on Facebook and other digital platforms.

2. Limitations of Traditional Tracking Tools Against IVT

Tracking pixels such as the Facebook pixel are essential tools in the arsenal of any digital marketer.

However, despite their popularity, these tools have significant limitations when it comes to identifying and filtering invalid traffic (IVT). This inability can lead to ineffective advertising spending and decision-making based on erroneous data.

Inefficiency of Standard Tracking Pixels

Tracking pixels are primarily designed to collect data on user interactions with ads, such as clicks and conversions.

However, they lack the sophistication needed to distinguish between actions generated by humans and those performed by bots or accidental clicks.

The standard pixel records all interactions indiscriminately, which means that the data collected can include a significant volume of IVT.

Analysis of Technological Gaps

One of the main technological shortcomings of these tracking tools is their inability to analyze the context or intent behind an interaction.

For example, a quick click followed by an immediate page abandonment could indicate an accidental click. Similarly, non-human navigation patterns, often repetitive and systematic, are typical of bots.

Standard pixels do not have the algorithms necessary to identify these nuances, leading to an accumulation of polluted data.

Examples of Weaknesses in Conventional Tracking

Consider the case of a large-scale advertising campaign targeting Facebook users. An advertiser might observe a sudden increase in traffic following the launch of a new ad.

Without the proper tools to filter IVT, a significant portion of this traffic could be due to bots, leading to marketing decisions based on misleading information.

Several campaigns have suffered from such situations, where budgets were quickly depleted without tangible results, simply because the tracking system was not equipped to recognize and exclude invalid traffic.

While standard tracking pixels provide a basic foundation for data collection, their lack of capacity to filter and precisely identify IVT can lead to financial losses and poorly directed strategies.

Recognizing these limitations is the first step towards adopting more advanced and secure tracking solutions.

3. Our Advanced Solution to Combat Invalid Traffic

To effectively combat invalid traffic (IVT) and maximize the return on investment of your advertising campaigns, adopting advanced tracking technologies is essential.

Among these, our solution Bily, a 100% server-side tracking system, stands out for its ability to purify traffic data and eliminate inauthentic interactions.

Adopting Bily's Next-Generation Server-Side Tracking

Bily's tracking operates by processing data directly on the server, thus avoiding the manipulations and common disturbances in client-side tracking methods.

This approach allows for a deeper analysis of interactions, accurately identifying suspicious behaviors and filtering them out before they affect your performance reports.

By using Bily, you benefit from a clear and accurate view of the true effectiveness of your campaigns, without the data pollution caused by IVT.


Philippe Assef


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