How Tracking Impacts Ad Platform's AI

How Tracking Impacts Ad Platform's AI



min de lecture

24 avril 2024

Tracking your advertising data plays a crucial role as it directly feeds the machine learning algorithms that optimize advertising campaigns. In this article, we explore how better tracking positively impacts machine learning and boosts advertising performance.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a system that learns as it receives new data.

Advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads use machine learning to generate quality scores for ads and calculate metrics such as action rates, which are crucial for the total value equation of an ad campaign.

What Data Does Machine Learning Use?

Here’s a breakdown of the types of data they typically gather:

User behavior on Facebook (on your advertisement): This includes all the basic interactions you might expect—people clicking on your ads, liking them, sharing, or even dropping a comment. Each action is a clue that helps the algorithm understand what users find engaging, allowing it to predict what might catch their eye in the future.

User behavior outside Facebook (on your website): Here, the scope widens beyond Facebook. Machine learning looks at how users behave on your website—what they click on, the products they buy, or even if they download your app. This data is crucial because it tracks the user journey from seeing your ad to taking action on your site.

The Importance of Ad Tracking

It's not just about collecting data; it's about collecting all data, with accuracy.

When machine learning algorithms get their hands on high-quality, accurate data from your website, they can work wonders, optimizing your ad performance with precision.

Let's put this into a real-world scenario.

Imagine you've launched an ad campaign for your e-commerce store that, in reality, nets you 100 sales. But, for whatever reason, if Facebook's tracking system only picks up 70 of these, your ads are evaluated based on those 70 sales.

Now, consider the flip side.

When Facebook receives complete and accurate data.

This accuracy not only boosts how your current campaign is rated but also improves the decision-making process for future ads.This is why Bily is so vital.

It ensures that every interaction, every sale, and every user action is captured and reported accurately. By feeding precise data into the machine learning algorithms, you're leading to more effective campaigns, better allocation of your advertising budget, and ultimately, a stronger return on investment.

So, in a nutshell, if you want to really understand how well your ads are performing and drive improvements in your marketing strategies, investing in a reliable ad tracking system isn't just helpful; it's crucial.

Tracking is fundamental to maximizing the capabilities of machine learning in advertising platforms.

By providing accurate and comprehensive data, tracking systems like Bily ensure that machine learning algorithms can make more informed decisions, leading to more effective and optimized ad campaigns.

As advertisers, investing in robust tracking tools is crucial for harnessing the full potential of digital advertising and achieving significant improvements in campaign outcomes.


Philippe Assef


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