Server-Side Tracking for Higher Conversion Rates

Server-Side Tracking for Higher Conversion Rates



min de lecture

24 avril 2024

In a world where milliseconds can mean millions, optimizing website speed has become a crucial issue for e-commerce businesses.

Traditionally, user interaction tracking on websites is primarily client-side, using cookies and JavaScript scripts to collect data.
However, this method significantly slows down page loading times, thus affecting user experience and reducing conversion rates.

To address these challenges, a promising solution has emerged: server-side tracking. This approach not only promises to improve site performance but also to optimize conversion rates.

This article delves into the workings of Bily's server-side tracking, its benefits for site speed, and its impact on conversions.

What is Server-Side Tracking?
Server-side tracking refers to the process of collecting and processing tracking data directly on the server, rather than on the user’s browser.

Unlike traditional client-side tracking, where data is collected via JavaScript and sent to the server, server-side tracking intercepts and analyzes data generated by user interactions at the server level.

This method uses the Conversion API to send data directly from the server to advertising platforms, without involving the user's browser.

This fundamental difference offers several advantages: increased data security, better compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR, and less reliance on third parties for cookie management.

Most importantly, server-side tracking reduces the burden of scripts executed on the client side, contributing to faster page loading.

Advantages of Server-Side Tracking for Site Speed
One of the main benefits of server-side tracking is the improvement in website loading speeds.

By eliminating the need to load heavy tracking scripts on the client side, pages can load more quickly.
This speed gain comes from simplifying the browser's work: fewer scripts to execute means less processing and a faster response to user requests.

Effects of Server-Side Tracking on Conversion Rates

Studies show that every second saved in loading time translates to a significant improvement in user engagement and conversions.

For example, according to a recent Deloitte study, reducing loading time by 0.1 second could increase conversions by nearly 8.4% in the retail sector and 10% in the tourism sector.

Server-side tracking offers a robust solution for e-commerce businesses looking to enhance their website performance and increase conversion rates.

By streamlining data processing and reducing the load on the user's browser, websites can achieve faster loading times, leading to better user experiences and higher engagement.

Ultimately, the shift to server-side tracking not only aids in technical optimization but also contributes to achieving better marketing outcomes, making it an essential strategy for businesses aiming for growth in the digital age.


Philippe Assef


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